Basic Science MCQ-4

1. If a car moves 240km in 4 hours then the average speed of the car will be ______kmph
a) 40 b) 80 c) 60 d) none
2. A rolling ball shows ___ and ____ motion
a) Rotational , translational b) rotational , static c) Rotational, Circular d) None
3. The SI unit of speed is ____
a) Cs-1 b) ms-1 b) km-1 d) None
4. Measurement has two parts a __ and ______
a) Mass, Unit b) Number. Unit c) Weight, length d) None
5. A fraction of _____of a meter is 1cm
a) 1000th b) 100th c) 200th d) None
6. A pipette is used to take _____amount of liquid
a) Fixed b) Variable c) None
7. The _______ of a moving object and the ____that the object covers depends on force applied on the object.
a) Speed, distance b) movement, distance c) None
8. The ____the force applied, the faster the object moves.
a) Lesser b) Greater c) Medium d) None
9. The force required to lift a mass of 1kg vertically upwards is called _______
a) Kilogram force b) Gram Force c) Force d) None
10. ______of the body is the force with which a body is pulled by the earth towards itself.
a) Mass b) Length c) Weight d) None
11. ______is the ability to do work.
a) Energy b) Pressure c) Work d) None
12. One joule is the product of force of 1N and displacement of ______
a) 100m b) 10m c) 1m d) None
13. Kinetic energy of a body is the energy possessed by it on account of its ______
a) Speed b) Weight c) Mass d) Motion
14. Sound energy cannot be converted into other forms of energy but heat energy can
a) True b) False
15. Light energy is not as useful as heat energy and potential energy
a) True b) False

Ans: 1-c 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-b 6-b 7-a 8-b 9-a 10-c 11-a 12-c 13-d 14-b 15-b

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