Basic Science MCQ with Answers-1

1. During refraction of light, which of the following quantities change?
a) Frequency b) Phase c) Speed d) Wavelength
2. Total internal reflection may take place if light is passing from
a) Water to glass b)Water to air c) Glass o to air d) Glass to water
3. A ray parallel to the principal axis, after reflection, will pass through the principal focus.
a) True b) False
4. Power of lens is the reciprocal of its __________
a) Axis length b)Focal length c) Both A and B d) None
5. Human eye forms the image of an object at its__________
a) Retina b) Wall c) Eye lid d) None
6. Splitting of white light into constituent colours is called_____
a)Reflection b) Refraction c) Dispersion d) None
7. Interference of light confirms _________ nature of light
a) Wave b) Source c) Frequency d) None
8. The Energy is _______when electron jumps from N shell to L shell.
a) Absorbed b) Emitted c) None
9. The atomic size ____in a period due to increase in atomic number
a)decrease b) Increase c) None
10. All metals form hydrides with hydrogen
a) True b) False
11. Less amount of energy is required to remove ‘s’ electron than ‘p’ electron
a) True b) False
12) Number of bonding pairs of electrons in water H2O is
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
13. Who is regarded as father of modern chemistry?
a) Rutherford b) Einstein c) Antoine Lavoisier d)C.V. Raman
14. Which acid is present in lemon ?
a) Marlic acid b) citric acid c) lactic acid d)tartaric acid
15. What among following is used to produce artificial rain?
a) Copper oxide b) carbon monoxide c) silver iodide d) silver nitrate


Answers : 1) c, d 2) b,c,d 3)a 4)b 5)a 6)c 7)a 8)b 9)a 10)b 11)b 12)b 13)b 14)b 15)c

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