Following are the shortcut keys in Microsoft office’s applications.
MS Office shortcut keys:
Delete one character to the left | BACKSPACE |
Delete one word to the left | CTRL+BACKSPACE |
Delete one character to the right | DELETE |
Delete one word to the right | CTRL+DELETE |
Cut selected object | CTRL+X |
Copy selected object | CTRL+C |
Paste cut or copied object | CTRL+V |
Undo the last action | CTRL+Z |
Redo the last action (where applicable) | CTRL+Y |
Copy formatting only | CTRL+SHIFT+C |
Paste formatting only | CTRL+SHIFT+V |
Paste special | CTRL+ALT+V |
Keys for working with power point presentations
Shortcut keys for working with PPT | |
To do this: | Press this: |
Create a new presentation | CTRL+N |
Insert a new slide | CTRL+M |
Make a copy of the selected slide | CTRL+D |
Open a presentation | CTRL+O |
Close a presentation | CTRL+W |
Print a presentation | CTRL+P |
Save a presentation | CTRL+S |
Find | CTRL+F |
Replace | CTRL+H |
Repeat the last Find action | SHIFT+F4 |
Insert a hyperlink | CTRL+K |
Cancel an action | ESC (the Escape key) |
Undo an action | CTRL+Z |
Redo or repeat an action | CTRL+Y |
- Switch to the next window. ALT+TAB
- Switch to the previous window. ALT+SHIFT+TAB
- Close the active window. CTRL+W or CTRL+F4
- Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it. ALT+F5
- Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window (clockwise direction).
- You may need to press F6 more than once. F6
- Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window
- (counterclockwise direction). SHIFT+F6
- When more than one window is open, switch to the next window. CTRL+F6
- Switch to the previous window. CTRL+SHIFT+F6
- Maximize or restore a selected window. CTRL+F10
- Copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard. PRINT SCREEN
- Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard. ALT+PRINT SCREEN
- Move to the beginning of the entry. HOME
- Move to the end of the entry. END
- Move one character to the left or right. LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
- Move one word to the left. CTRL+LEFT ARROW
- Move one word to the right. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
- Select or unselect one character to the left. SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
- Select or unselect one character to the right. SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
- Select or unselect one word to the left. CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
- Select or unselect one word to the right. CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
- Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry. SHIFT+HOME
- Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry. SHIFT+END
- Display the Open dialog box. CTRL+F12 or CTRL+O
- Display the Save As dialog box. F12
- Go to the previous folder. ALT+1
- Up One Level button: Open the folder one level above the open folder. ALT+2
- Delete button: Delete the selected folder or file. DELETE
- Create New Folder button: Create a new folder. ALT+4
- Views button: Switch among available folder views. ALT+5
- Display a shortcut menu for a selected item such as a folder or file. SHIFT+F10
- Move between options or areas in the dialog box. TAB Open the Look in list. F4 or ALT+I
- Update the file list. F5
PPT short cuts
- Change the pointer to a pen. CTRL+P
- Change the pointer to an arrow. CTRL+A
- Change the pointer to an eraser CTRL+E
- Show or hide ink markup CTRL+M
- Hide the pointer and navigation button immediately. CTRL+H
- Hide the pointer and navigation button in 15 seconds. CTRL+U
- View the All Slides dialog box CTRL+S
- View the computer task bar CTRL+T
- Display the shortcut menu. SHIFT+F10
- Go to the first or next hyperlink on a slide. TAB
- Go to the last or previous hyperlink on a slide. SHIFT+TAB
- Perform the “mouse click” behavior of the selected hyperlink. ENTER while a hyperlink is selected
- Stop media playback ALT+Q
- Toggle between play and pause ALT+P
- Go to the next bookmark ALT+END
- Go to the previous bookmark ALT+HOME
- Increase the sound volume ALT+Up
- Decrease the sound volume ALT+Down
- Seek forward ALT+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
- Seek backward ALT+SHIFT+PAGE UP
- Mute the sound ALT+U