1. Java program to find number of lines.
import java.io.*; public class NOL { public static void main(String[] args) { try { System.out.println("Getting line number of a paritcular file example!"); BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println("Please enter file name with extension:"); String str = bf.readLine(); File file = new File(str); if (file.exists()) { FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr); int count = 0; while (ln.readLine() != null){ count++; } System.out.println("Total line no: " + count); ln.close(); } else{ System.out.println("File does not exists!"); } } catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
2. Java Program on method override.
class Base { void show() { System.out.println("inside the Base class method"); } } class Derive extends Base { void show() { System.out.println("inside the Dervied class method"); } } class Override { public static void main(String args[]) { Derive d=new Derive(); d.show(); } }
3. Java Program to print system time.
import java.util.*; class Systime { public static void main(String args[]) { Date d=new Date(); System.out.println(d.getHours() + ":"+ d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds()); } }
4. Java Program to demonstrate thread example.
class Ta extends Thread { public void run() { for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { System.out.println("A thread=" + i); } System.out.println("Ta is over"); } } class Tb extends Thread { public void run() { for(int j=1; j<=5; j++) { System.out.println("B thread=" + j); } System.out.println("Tb is over"); } } class thread { public static void main(String args[]) { Ta ta=new Ta(); ta.start(); Tb tb=new Tb(); tb.start(); } }
5. Java Program without main().
class WithoutMain { static{ System.out.println("Hello world"); System.exit(0); } }