Data Science – 3 [web scraping]

  1. Retrieve current temperature using BeautifulSoup
#extract current temp
import requests
import bs4
soup=bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
val= soup.find('span', "data-testid='TemperatureValue'", class_='CurrentConditions--tempValue--3KcTQ')
print("Current temp is : ", val.text) 

Output of the above program is :

Current temp is : 30°

2. To check live price, title and ratings of particular product

#data science with Python - extracting TITLE and Price of product from Flipkart
import bs4 
import pandas as pd 
import requests 

url = ''

result = requests.get(url) 
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.content,'html.parser') 
title=soup.find_all('h1', class_='yhB1nd')
price = soup.find_all('div', {"class":"_30jeq3 _16Jk6d"})
rvw= soup.find_all('div', {"class":"row _3AjFsn _2c2kV-"})

for item in title:
    print("Title:", item.text)

for pr in price:
    print("Price:", pr.text)

for rv in rvw:
    print("Reviews:", rv.text)

Output of the above program is :

3. To retrieve live stock price of any company [exa: infosys]

#data science with Python - extracting share price - BSE / NSE of Infosys
import bs4 
import pandas as pd 
import requests 

#url = ''
url = ''

result = requests.get(url) 
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.content,'html.parser') 
shareD = soup.find_all('div' ,class_= 'pcnsb div_live_price_wrap')

data = [] 
for i in shareD:
        span= i.find('span')
#to remove duplicate 
mylist = list(dict.fromkeys(data))
print("Current market price of Infosys:",mylist)

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
t='Current market price of Infosys :'+str(mylist)
w = Label(root, text=t, bg='gold', font='sans 14') 

Output of the above example is:


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