Machine Learning

Data Science – 3 [web scraping]

Retrieve current temperature using BeautifulSoup #extract current temp import requests import bs4 #url=”,77.59?par=google&temp=c” url=”,76.81?par=google&temp=c” r=requests.get(url) soup=bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, “html.parser”) val= soup.find(‘span’, “data-testid=’TemperatureValue'”, class_=’CurrentConditions–tempValue–3KcTQ’) print(“Current temp is : “, val.text) Output of the above program is : Current temp is : 30° 2. To check live price, title and ratings of particular product #data science with Python – …

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Data Science – 2 [web scraping]

Data science with using Python In the following example we will be retrieving live population records using BeautifulSoup package.[web scraping] Live Population record #data science with Python – world’s population stat import bs4 import pandas as pd import requests url = ‘,it%20was%20at%20around%202%25.’ result = requests.get(url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.text,’lxml’) pop = soup.find_all(‘table’ ,class_= ‘table table-striped table-bordered …

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Data Science – 1 [web scraping]

Data science Data science: is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from ocean of data. Web scraping can be a solution to speed up the data collection process. Instead of looking at the job site every day, you can use Python …

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Built-in and user defined functions in Python

# Built-in functions in Python [importing math package] import math x=int(input(“Enter any number:”)) print(“Square root of {0} is {1}”.format(x,math.sqrt(x))) print(“Square of {0} is {1}”.format(x, x*x)) print(“Cube of {0} is {1}”.format(x, x*x*x)) OutPut: Enter any number:5 Square root of 5 is 2.23606797749979 Square of 5 is 25 Cube of 5 is 125   User-defined functions  def …

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Python Programs for Beginners – Part2

Basic Python Programs for Beginners – Part 2 # program to display employee salary information name=input(“Enter Name:”) dept=input(“Enter Department:”) basic=int(input(“Enter Basic salary:”)) bonus=basic*(5/100) pf=basic*(10/100) net=basic+bonus-pf print(“Employee Details”) print(“—————————–“) print(“Name=”, name) print(“Basic=”, basic) print(“Bonus=”, bonus) print(“Provident Fund=”, pf) print(“Net salary=”, net) OUTPUT: Enter Name:Ganesh Enter Department:Finance Enter Basic salary:25000 Employee Details —————————– Name= Ganesh Basic= 25000 …

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Python Programs for Beginners – Part1

Basic Python Programs for Beginners – Part 1 Watch This Video session for How to Run your First Python Program # Sum of two numbers program on python a=int(input(“Enter Num1:”)) b=int(input(“Enter Num2:”)) c=a+b print “sum of {0} and {1} is {2}” .format(a,b,c) c=a-b print “subtraction of {0} from {1} is {2}”.format(a,b,c) c=a*b print “muliplication of …

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Full stack developer

What is a full-stack developer? An Information Technology (IT) expert who can work both on a user interface (UI)or client-side and user experience (UX) or server-side technologies and this person knows the 3-tire model of an application. Presentation tier [UI] Business Logic [programming /UX] Database layer [Database server] Now a day’s full-stack developer is in …

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